Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tok to Fairbanks

We made it across the Top of the World Highway into Tok where we stayed at the Tok RV Village Campground. Before leaving the next morning we were able to give our truck a much needed wash. It only took about 45 minutes to get off most of the mud from the Top of the world Highway (We talked to a couple today who had just come across the Top of the World Highway and they told us that two RVs had gone over the side). With a clean truck and restocked pantry we headed for Delta Junction. We arrived in Delta Junction in early afternoon and went to the visitor's center to get our official certificate for completing our travel on the Alaska Highway. We were greeted at the visitor's station by a couple Alaska state birds and warned there would be plenty more. For lunch it was buffalo burgers and Halibut, what a treat. The road from Tok to Fairbanks was a good road with a lot of beautiful scenery, we saw our first glacier on this road. We arrived late in the afternoon we think? with no darkness it's hard to tell what late in the afternoon is; however, we found a camp site at Chena River Recreational Area for the next few days.

Anyone traveling to Alaska needs to buy an Alaska Tour Savor Book which has many savings. We have already paid for the cost of the book, $100.

Me taking a much needed nap against a knotty post.

We made it...

I hope these birds aren't hungry!

A reindeer that has been on the job to long.

Gypsy has met her match, Mr. Pico

A Gypsy pose. Spoiled?

Our first night at Chena River Recreation Area.

1 comment:

  1. We hope to make it to the end of the Top of the World Highway someday. It's a great blog. Thanks so much for sharing! Angela :-)
