Monday, September 5, 2011

Haines - Do You Like Bears?

Do you like Bears? If you do, then you need to come to Haines during the summer salmon runs. The Chilkoot River and Lake are full of salmon returning from the ocean to spawn. They are just waiting to be taken. This time of year is not just for the salmon to return but for the locals to stock up on salmon for the winter. In addition to the locals, many tourists come to get their share and of course, Mr. and Ms. Grizzly think all these fish are theirs. This creates some interesting times on the river bank when man and bear both think it is their fishing hole. Guess who usually wins? Anyway, we couldn’t wait until the afternoons when we would drive down and park on the river bank and eagerly wait for the bears. We were never disappointed… We enjoyed these evenings watching the same families of bears with mama teaching her cubs to fish. We really enjoyed sitting there watching mama bear trying to teach her babies how to fish and the babies wanting to play. Typically we have been seeing one mama grizzly with two cubs and another with three cubs; but, last night a mama grizzly with four small cubs showed up. We must have spent a good hour watching, filming and taking pictures (thank goodness for digital cameras}of all the playing and feeding. Hope you enjoy our bear pictures….

Watching these bears eat and play were one of the highlights of our Haines visit

I don't know if this one liked me taking his picture or what. I didn't hang around to discuss it with him.

These are pictures of the mama and her four cubs

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