Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 7: Looking for the Canadian Border

The above photo was our camp sight at the Grand Rapids Air Force Base. We spent two nights at the AFB and spent time relaxing and touring the base. The TC is one of our finds we thought very interesting.
We left around 10AM Monday morning and decided to travel highway 2 along the top of North Dakota to Minot, ND and then take highway 52 to Canada. Traveling through ND we saw many miles of flooded homes and land. Once we reached the Canada/US border we were asked a few questions and allowed to enter Canada. We continued to travel in Canada and decided to stay in Regina, Saskatchewan at the Walmart (I love those FREE campgrounds).

One of the many places that were flooded. We saw many places like this and miles and miles of flooded farmland in both ND and Canada.
More Flooding

The longest wait we had at the border was waiting in line. Once we made it to the border patrol it was only a few questions and we were on our way.
One of our favorite campgrounds...

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