Monday, August 22, 2011

Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

On the way back from Seward to Anchorage we stopped at this 140 acre drive-through animal park dedicated to the rehabilitation of orphaned and injured animals. We really enjoyed stopping here and getting to see a large number of wild animals being rehabilitated. They also have a very nice gift shop where the proceeds are used to support the animals. This is another place we think anyone coming to Alaska ought to put on their list of things to do… We hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we did taking them!!!

These are some of the moose being rehabilitated. Notice the last cow (female), she would not make the winter without help

These next pictures are of a couple reindeer. Do you know the difference between a reindeer and a caribou? Reindeer can fly??? Really, reindeer are fenced (domesticated) and caribou are wild

These bears were orphans and had some health problems and can't be released

I believe these could be considered good racks... I believe my good friend and pastor Monroe would agree?

Muskox grazing

This is one of over 200 wood bison they have in captivity that will be released in 2013. The wood bison was almost extinct; however, with the recent conservation efforts they are making a come back.

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