Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back from Anchorage: Soldotna Round Three

We got our limit of REDS, got them cleaned and put in the freezer and still had time to get to Anchorage to pick up Charlie. If we had known his flight was delayed for over two hours, we could have started on tomorrows limit before we left? The trip to Anchorage and back was uneventful but filled with beautiful scenery. The route along the Kenai River and then Turnagain Arm gets more beautiful each time you drive it. We picked Charlie up at the airport and returned to Elmendorf AFB where we had a campsite for the remainder of the night. The next morning we were up bright and early, had a good breakfast and on our way to Soldotna for the BIG REDS. By the time we left, we had Charlie so pumped up about catching REDS he had a hard time sitting still. Reminded me of times years ago when Charlie and I would be on our way fishing somewhere in Florida where we grew up fishing together. We tried to comfort him reminding him it was only Wednesday and we assured him he would have plenty of time to get his fish before we had to leave Sunday for Homer where we had a charter scheduled for Monday. As we drove along the Sterling highway to Soldotna enjoying the scenery, we reminisced of the good old days….you know, those were the days my friend…Sorry, I lost it there for a moment. On our way we did see a mother grizzly and her baby alongside the river. Once we got to Soldotna, Charlie needed some waders and we all needed something to eat. Priorities, Priorities, okay we eat first, so it was off to the Moose is Loose for something good. Of course I had to have my Apple Ugly fix, Linda had to have her FLAT cinnamon bun(the baker calls them "Road-kill Caramel Rolls}, for those that can remember the 33 RPM or 78RPM records, that’s what a FLAT Cinnamon bun looks like. For those that don’t remember, try googling 33/78RPM records. Anyway, Charlie kind of wanted it all and settled for several different types. Once we got our fill, it was off to get Charlie some waders. Once he had his waders it was off to the river for some fun fishing (catching). And catching we did, it seemed like there were many more fish in the water than a couple days ago when we left to go to Anchorage. I really don’t know about the fish, but I think the amount of people doubled. There were over 90 RVs staying in the Fred Myers parking lot. Fred doesn’t charge anything to stay in his parking lot; however, he doesn’t have a limit on how much you can buy in his store and buy is what this crowd was doing. We saw everything from groceries to freezers and everything else you could think of being purchased. At times in the fishing area of the store, you couldn’t even get to the fishing tackle. Two and a half days of fishing and the freezer can’t take anymore, the ice chest are full. It’s time to ship some fish home and head on to Homer and get ready for our Charter.

Charlie and I on the banks of the Kenai River in Soldotna doing a little combat fishing

Charlie showing off his limit catch of Sockeyes. Good thing he didn't get over his limit, I don't think he could have held them

Me helping Charlie hold his catch

After a lot of catching we decided to do a little sight seeing

This is another volcano across Cook Inlet from Kenai

We went down to the inlet to watch the locals net fish

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