Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soldotna: Round Two

After leaving Homer to return to Anchorage we made a short stop in Soldotna to scope out the Sockeye fishing. You’re right, the sockeyes were charging up the river in full swing. How long will it last, do we really need to pick Charlie up at the airport in Anchorage, can Charlie rent a car, maybe we can get him another ride… these were all the questions going through my head, not really, we were anxious to see Charlie and spend time with him. Anyway, I was assured the run would last at least a couple weeks. Not having to be in Anchorage until the next day, we decided to spend the night in Soldotna (The above picture is in Fred Myers' parking lot, over fifty RVs for the night and it is not even the weekend)and see if we could catch a few REDS. And catch we did, the limit is three and we got our limit plus another 20 - 25 we had to let go because we didn’t have them hooked in the mouth. Man this is crazy! But I Love it... I just hope when we get back from Anchorage the show will still be on... I want to see my friend Charlie hooked up.

Hooked up!

Nice Sockeye (RED)

Tail hooked got to let him go.

Think I will clean these and come back later.

Later in the day... Hooked up again.

Next morning and hooked up again... Thought I would catch a few (3) before leaving for Anchorage.

My friend Al cleaning his catch.

Nice Fillets

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