Monday, August 22, 2011

Homer to Seward

Homer to Seward is approximately 170 miles but we didn’t have any trouble making it a two day trip. We took our time enjoying the beautiful scenery and stopping along the way to take pictures and just enjoy all the sights. We did have to stop in Soldotna and check out the fishing. You’re right again, they were still catching REDS. You probably won’t believe this, but we didn't even fish, just watched for awhile and enjoyed some fresh smoked salmon from someone we had met the previous week. After grabbing something to eat, we were on our way again. Still with plenty of daylight left, we decided to spend the night at the Russian/Kenai River ferry rest area/parking lot. The parking lot is actually on the Kenai River where they have a unique ferry to transport people to the opposite side.
The parking lot was full and most of the people were fishing for the REDS that had come up the river from Cook Inlet. There were a lot of fish being caught and again we just enjoyed watching. On the other side of the parking lot were some very large mountains that we enjoyed watching the Dall sheep graze. The next morning we left early traveling along beside the Russian and Kenai Rivers to the Seward Highway. Once to the Seward Highway, it was south to Seward. This is another beautiful route with mountains, rivers, glaciers and wildlife. The road was mostly two lanes but very navigable and a very enjoyable drive. We stopped at several overlooks and state recreational areas that were truly magnificent. One of these areas was Trail River Campground. We did not stay here but we did stop and take a short walk to the Kenai Lake.
The views here were spectacular. Another stop we made was to Exit Glacier. We walked a 2 mile loop to the face of the Glacier and it was truly amazing. The ice which was three miles long and 150-200 inches thick had a beautiful “bluish glow.” If you are ever in this area we highly recommend you spend some time in these recreational areas. From here it was on to Seward where we checked into Seward Resort.
After leaving Homer our first stop was at Anchor Point where Charlie took advantage of the stop to get a little nap.
Float fishing for King Salmon is very popular on the Kenai river

Nothing better than a good hot meal after a day of traveling. Here we are enjoying grilled chicken and all the fixings in the parking lot at the ferry

Another park sign

In Alaska all types of precautions are taken to protect both the people and the bears
This is Kenai Lake in Trail River Campground

Linda enjoying Kenai Lake

The family also enjoyed this park and did not want to leave

Where we start our climb up to Exit Glacier

After looking at this we were not sure we wanted to make the hike; however, off we go...


Linda loving the cool (cold) breeze coming off the glacier

Charlie at Exit

John up close with Exit Glacier

Notice how thick the ice is and the color
Part of our trail back down

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